WORM LOVES WORM – Storytime and Launch Party!

Event date: Sunday, January 17, 2016 – 1:00pm
Red Balloon Bookshopbee2

You are cordially invited to celebrate the wedding of a worm . . . and a worm.

Join debut local author J.J. Austrian and Red Balloon bookshop for a special Worm Loves Worm storytime and launch party. We’ll have wormy wedding treats, book signing, and fun. The party starts at 1:00!

3 Replies

  1. My family had such a good time at the launch party. I read WORM LOVES WORM to them at bedtime last night.

  2. Annette Jane Gagliardi

    Hi J. J. I just invited you to our book fair – Feb. 6th and am so glad you will join us. This is a great website.

  3. Would LOVE to be there at Red Balloon. I’ve got my copy of the book and am already sharing/recommending it around. Congratulations, JJ and Mike!

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